I’m not sure when this startet to happen, but found that all my Zigbee devices are suddenly unavailable, except the powered ones (smart outlets). I’ve tried rebooting HA but that made no difference.
I can see from the logs that the devices send some messages when booting up, but then stop sending data:
[2024-12-28 23:08:40] e[32minfoe[39m: z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/sensor_clima_pb', payload '{"battery":30,"humidity":63.7,"linkquality":255,"power_outage_count":2808,"pressure":1024.3,"temperature":18.77,"voltage":2895}'
I’ve also tried to reconfigure the device which seems to succeed but it then remains unlinked again:
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] debug: z2m:mqtt: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/request/device/configure' with data '{"id":"sensor_clima_pb","transaction":"cpfhe-1"}'
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] info: z2m: Configuring 'sensor_clima_pb'
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] debug: zh:controller:database: Writing database to '/config/zigbee2mqtt/database.db'
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] debug: zh:controller:database: Writing database to '/config/zigbee2mqtt/database.db'
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] info: z2m: Successfully configured 'sensor_clima_pb'
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] debug: zh:controller:database: Writing database to '/config/zigbee2mqtt/database.db'
[2024-12-29 00:42:15] info: z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/response/device/configure', payload '{"data":{"id":"sensor_clima_pb"},"status":"ok","transaction":"cpfhe-1"}'
[2024-12-29 00:42:17] debug: zh:deconz:driver: send read device state from queue. seqNr: 129
[2024-12-29 00:42:17] debug: zh:deconz:frameparser: device state: 10100010
[2024-12-29 00:42:17] debug: zh:deconz:driver: networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:frameparser: DEVICE_STATE changed: 10101010
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:driver: networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 1 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:driver: query aps data indication
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:driver: DATA_INDICATION - sending read data request - SeqNr. 130
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:frameparser: DATA_INDICATION RESPONSE - seqNr. 130 srcAddr: 0xd6bf destAddr: 0x0 profile id: 0x104 cluster id: 0xb04 lqi: 255
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:frameparser: response payload: 18260a0805216207
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:deconz:driver: networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
[2024-12-29 00:42:21] debug: zh:controller: Received payload: clusterID=2820, address=54975, groupID=0, endpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, wasBroadcast=false, linkQuality=255,