Allow Log Views to Auto-Refresh

When viewing logs (especially an add-on start up), I have to keep hitting refresh to get new line items in the active log to see progress of something happening - usually when I am checking for errors or misconfigurations.

But it would really be neat if I could check a box or something to turn on an “auto-refresh every 2 seconds” while I am on that page watching said log so that I don’t HAVE to keep hitting refresh.

“Creature Comforts” :slight_smile:

You could tail -f the log in the home assistant command line.

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That is another way, yes.

But is Home Assistant not about making things easier for our homes, as well as ourselves? :wink:

Sure, I wasn’t poo-pooing your idea. Just letting you know there is an option if your request is not implemented in a timely manner.

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Ahh, I gotcha now. :slight_smile:

I didn’t feel you meant to; yet still appreciate the clarification!

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