Okay so i am running hassio on a Pi uainf the nortek zigbee and zwave hub usb stick.
smarthings multi sensor works just fine no issues
so i picked up the aqara door window sensors and they refuse to show up and be added.
i go to the zha section and add device and press the button but the device does not get added.
occasionally when i try its seen by the system as i can see it interacting in the log and triggering when i open and close the device until i get a left network line and nothing is added to the system.
any advice or workarounds?
this is what shows up
[0xfbf3:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [0, 4174, 14, 285299472, None]
[0xfbf3:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1
Just wanna start by saying that I’m new to HA but the community has been amazing for solving little issues like this for me. I’m mentioning it because this is my first time being able to contribute an answer!
I had this same issue and error. What solved it for me was pairing the sensor with the door CLOSED.
- Initiate the Zigbee Search
- Make sure both pieces of the sensor are together, closed.
- Hold button until LED blinks three times
- If there’s no action, press the button once.
That should work!
Remember to trigger the sensor when adding (eg on door sensor, pair, then pull the maget from the sensor / open the door). Important that it get triggered or at least with the sensors I had they never pair if they dont get triggered suring adding
Okay so a little update (thanks for your answers by the way super useful)
the door sensor i had turned out to not be an aqara sensor but a jing something or other.
still made by xaomi but not aqara (in my nativity i though all xaomi products were aqara) .
I only had one of them so no great loss but i purchased some actual aqara sensors and they have all worked first time every time.
the jing one will show up every so often and go through the discovery phase but has only ever registered once and stayed on the network for about 10min so im pretty happy to consign it to the bin
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