OK kind of a weird one, possibly related to my earlier issue with the Echoes.
I have TTS working just fine now with the Echoes. They show up in the developer tools tab and I’ve tested a couple and they seem to work as you’d expect in terms of playing music and so on. But they don’t show up in the media player.
No idea if they did before the update (I never used it).
I have some Google Home Minis, they appear on the Media Player and work just as you’d expect.
As far as I know, there is no way to play media on existing custom integration. You are limited what routines can do: https://github.com/custom-components/alexa_media_player/wiki#play-music
OK I apologise for my ignorance but aren’t some of the examples there people playing Spotify or whatever on Echoes?
Amazon Echo devices can be connected to Spotify using routines and you can send commands to echo devices to start playing from spotify.
OK cheers mate - appreciate the assistance
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