Amazon Polly tts stopped working?

In the past couple of days I get the chromecast sound on notification but the media player does not say anything…

Trying to listen to the media file from the cache folder I see it’s created but small sentences are not spoken (mute file for the period of saying what ever it is) and long sentences start speaking only after some time… (partial end of the sentence after partial mute period).

I don’t see any debug errors in log for tts / media player so any tip on howto start troubleshooting this would be appreciated!

so port forward 8123 to 8123 is mandatory for the media player to play sounds ?
strange - that seems to solve the issue for me

@Amir974 - Can you tell me more about how you fixed this? I seem to be having the same issue. I’ve recently moved some routers around and I think something is jacked up. I see TTS files being created and I can play MP3 files from GITHUB on the CCA (like for the Clock sounds) but not TTS. Thanks.


I added port forward from external 8123 to the home assistant internal port 8123 - the one that made the tts call to media player, that seemed to make it work.

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Thanks @Amir974. I’m back in business again.