** Please pnly take this update if you also upgrade to hass 0.55 or later or input_select will no longer work on your dashboards **
Hi there - a minor release to address the breaking changes in HASS 0.55 - the input_slider widget in HADashboard has been renamed to input_number - remember to change the widget type as well as the associated widget ID in your dahsboards if you were using input_sliders
Also, a fix to the AppDamon api call select_value() - the name stays the same but it now works with the input_number entities, no changes should be necessary to your apps.
2.1.10 (2017-10-11)
Renamed the HADashboard input_slider to input_number to support HASSâ change
Fixed select_value() to work with input_number entities
Breaking Changes
The input_slider widget has been renamed to input_number to support the change in HASS
did you update from a working appdaemon or a new install?
what is in your appdaemon.yaml?
do you have an apps.yaml? and what is in it?
what HA version do you have?
I have update from a working appdaemon, HA version 0.55.1, include apps.yaml.
logfile: STDOUT
errorfile: STDERR
log_generations: 3
threads: 10
ha_key: password
dash_dir: /home/homeassistant/appdaemon/dashboards
app_dir: /home/homeassistant/appdaemon/apps
thanks man!
the problem solved! first, need to build compiled/css\html\javascript folders; second, a customize plugin of HA was clash. Now everything working fine!