Announcement - AppDaemon 3.0!

downgrade and upgrade HA again.
and to get rid of the problem in the future: create seperate virtual environments for HA and AD.

Hmm tried and still no luck. Same issues. Went down to several different versions and then back up. 47.0/67.0/68.0

Going back to 3.0.0 gives the same error as above but still works.

you need to make sure that you install HA AFTER any update from AD.
that did work for me untill now.

if that doesnt work, you really need 2 seperate virtual environments.

Yeah, I suspect the custom folder, indeed containing some apps with the same name/classes as in the apps folder, was the source of the problem.
A bit to my surprise though, as one would imagine AD only looking for apps in its own ‘apps’ folder, no ? Is this documented and intended behaviour, or did I stumble upon an anomaly ?

AD looks for apps in the apps folder and ALL sub folders as documented.
but it is possible to exclude subdirs.

That’s exactly what I thought. But my custom folder was NOT a subfolder of ‘apps’, but of ‘Appdaemon’ - just like ‘apps’ itself. So that’s what I was inferring : that AD maybe does not follow the rule as documented ?

in that case i misunderstood you.
AD looks ONLY in apps for apps. (unless you did specify another dir for apps in your appdaemon.yaml)

so in that case it was probably the python cash files(that you removed) that where troubeling you.

Fair enough. But does that then not hint at an AD bug/problem somehow ? Because surely those cache files are behind-the-scenes stuff we users/developers should not care about or meddle with - just MHO …
Anyway, I don’t want to make a big fuss about it - problem solved, cause (probably) found, getting on with life :smiley:
(And thx again for your input)

i dont think its an AD problem, but a python problem.
the files should be there temperary and renewed every time.
can be that moving files, moving folders, changing stuff, had an impact on those files causing that python couldnt remove them.
Normally we dont need to care about cash. but as developers we always should know that there is cashing and tha when we have problems with changes unnoticed, we need to look if there is a cashing problem.

but your right. no way to know what happened now afterwards. so lets move on :wink: