Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta3!

Try quotes around on and off - again, what are you actually seeing?

when i just have qoutes around “Online” and “Offline”, it ends up greying out half of the widgets on the dashboard. when i put qoutes around both, it shows all the widgets, but it doesnt show the state on that widget at all.

Can you post pics of “greying out” please - not sure what is happening. Are there any errors in the logs?

Nothing shows up the error log

OK, there will most likely be an error in your java console - can you check that please?

how exactly do i do that?

On chrome type “Ctrl-shift-I” not sure about other browsers. It will be under a menu somnewhere as “developer tools” or similar

did you try with your local address without token?

Yes I just tried that. Still dont work.
If I copy and paste the url into a web browser it will show the image from the camera no problem. But if I try to open the camera panel it gives me an error.

Where can I find the error log to see whats wrong?

depends on what you did put in your config file :wink:

can you copy the entire dashboard that gives the error?

Here it is:

    widget_type: iframe
    title: Great Room
    refresh: 300
    frame_style: ""

    widget_type: camera
    title: Back Door
    refresh: 300

    widget_type: camera
    title: Front Door
    refresh: 300

    - greatroom_camera(5x5), backdoor_camera(5x5), frontdoor_camera(5x5)

This looks like a problem with YAML interpreting on and off as True and False, which shouldn’t happen if they are quoted. Can you try changing them to something else like cat and dog just to verify that theory please?

if that is the entire dashboard it could be a problem that you didnt set global setting like columns

they are then set to default which can cause a problem.

but i would anyway try the local approach in your local network.

and when typing i see the probably biggest problem:





I setup my columns in the .dash file.
Local setup wont work either

title: Camera Panel
widget_dimensions: [122, 100]
widget_size: [1, 1]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 10

    - include: camera_panel
    - include: bottom_panel
  1. you have colums set to 10, and your camara panel is 15 width.
  2. did you see the difference in what i showed you?
    the url comes on the same line, not on the second!

Ah yes I see. I have it some what working now. I just grabbed the new version appdaemon again. Not sure if I missed something.

on the media_player widget, the +/- and number are one style but the % appears to be a different style.

i tried using cat and dog, it didnt work either, it didnt grey anything out but it didnt display state

@mrburns414 Do me a favor please and post your dashboard preserving spacing. Also try putting a space in front of and after the “:”

‘Online’: ‘ON’
‘Offline’: ‘OFF’
state_text: 1

I did this, and it seems to work