Another component for ZiGate

Is this project still alive? I can see that was archived?

I am trying to add ZigBee support to HA, and I am trying to pick the best possible solution for it (deCONZ, zigate, zigbee2mqtt).
To me it seemed that this component together with the zigate stick would be the easiest solution (no need to flash the stick, easy component setup).

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zigate comes with its firmware already flashed, but you will need to flash future firmwares. at the moment, zigate doesnā€™t need a debug board to flash its firmware, but that might happen to cc253* sticks as well.

Iā€™m now using cc253x/zigbee2mqtt as it has more features and is still alive.

Iā€™m now using cc253x/zigbee2mqtt as it has more features and is still alive.

This was my first idea, to be honest. However I find the configuration kind of cumbersome and non-intuitive. Also buying the stick and the cc debugger I would have to order from china, which results in long delivery time.

Is zigbee2mqtt supporting arbitrary devices, or do you need concrete support of the device in this component? E.g. I am thinking about getting this lamp:

And I am pretty sure non of the zigbee components out there will have support for it.

What kind of features you have with zigbee2mqtt you do not with zigate ?

depends, some needs specific support, some donā€™t.
some zigate support for new components is done in the firmware (see it means you have to wait for the one dev to do it in its free time, then you have to upload the new firmware.
zigbee2mqtt only needs a software update.

Iā€™m pretty sure if you send this lovely lamp to one of the dev youā€™ll have support for it. :slight_smile:

this is my network map :slight_smile:

Your router nodes are some osram smart plug am I right ?

I tried to use them as router with zigate with no success but the range of the zigate is awesome so no real need.

I would like to try zigbee2mqtt but this mean losing all the pairing with the zigate.

yes my router nodes are osram plugs.
zigate range is better than cc2531 but itā€™s still not enough here at home.
I also have a cc2530_cc2591 range/sensibility should be better.

Hello doudz,

Iā€™m using this library with HASS and itā€™s works fine for reading Xiami switch status.

I would send a toogle command via HASS (On/Off a light) using a Wifi Zigate bridge.
Iā€™m not able to configure configuration.yaml to do that.
Is it possible with your library ? Could you please give me an exemple if itā€™s possible ?

Xiaomi switch configuration [zigate.f700] in HASS dev_services:

battery_voltage: null
battery_level: 100
rssi_percent: 78
type: lumi.ctrl_neutral1
manufacturer: 1037
receiver_on_when_idle: true
missing: false
addr: f700
bit_field: 0100000000000001
descriptor_capability: 00000000
id: 0
ieee: 00158d000251b290
last_seen: 2018-10-06 18:44:19
mac_capability: 10000100
max_buffer: 127
max_rx: 100
max_tx: 100
power_type: 1
rssi: 198
server_mask: 1
friendly_name: LumiĆØre salon
icon: mdi:access-point

@doudz if youā€™re in the area. Any advice on updating you lib to the latest version with this actual component ? Good or bad idea ?
Still working fine with version 0.81.2 of hass :star_struck:

But I wait for my CC debugger and will test zigbee2mqtt soon.

Iā€™m using it everyday

Excellent, update done.

new version of zigate firmware available:


Does this version works with actual version of the component ?

Iā€™ll wait a little bit before installing it because thereā€™s not a lot of testing actually.

Code is now opensource !

Iā€™ve found an error in my logs when starting HA 0.81.2:

2018-11-13 12:11:44 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [zigate] Failed to eval "struct.unpack('H', unhexlify(value)[2:4])[0]/1000." using "0121030c0328170421a81305210c00062401000000000a2100006410000b210000"
2018-11-13 12:11:44 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [zigate] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/deps/lib/python3.6/site-packages/zigate/", line 91, in update
    'self': self})
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'struct' is not defined

Does not look to have an impact on zigate usage but I mention it in case of someone is working on the component.

Itā€™s fixed in 0.20.2

update done, nice work as usual and thanks a lot :ok_hand:

Since I have fully moved from ZiGate to Deconz, I am selling my old Zigate gateway (non-wifi version). Price 30 euros. For more details contact PM.