Another one...entity/devices cleanup

I have gone through many posts about ideas to clean up the orphan entities, rename, etc.
I am trying to see if there is an official process for going about doing the following:

  • Reset the entities tied to integrations, including third party integrations: Since I started working in HA, I found myself renaming some areas, devices, entities, etc from the integration. But HA does not change the device or entity names. The friendly names change, but not the entities. Is there a way to re-sync? Do I need to remove the integration and then add it again? Or is there a better way.
  • If I remove the integration, I am worried all this work will not solve it as it may leave the old entities as orphan integrations.
  • I renamed some template sensors, and now I have the new one, and the old ones.
  • ESPHome devices and entities are the same, some remain when I rename.

I went through settings → Devices an started deleting what I am allowed to delete.
Some do not have a unique ID so I am stuck on those.

I have installed Watchman to get the report to start tackling them, however, I did not realize how many I have…

What about the renaming? Do I need to go through nd manually rename each one to match the new friendly names?

Before I embark on what is going to be a long and painful journey, I want to ask, is there an easy way to do all of this?

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