Another problem with Lg webos tv. Now with automations

Well my problem with the lg webos integration continues, my tv keeps lossing the network conecction when is off, some times a few hours, sometimes a couple of days, and now I have to add one problem with automations. I have one set to turn off some lights when the tv goes off. The problem is that in random times the lights goes off during the day watching tv, with the tv on. If I look in the logs of the automation I see that has been triggered in those exact moments, the tv integration logs shows the same off and on some seconds laterā€¦the tv never loose power or show that the WiFi is disconnected. I was watching a tv show without problems and did not notice nothing.

I think something happens with the LG integration in home assistant. Previously I was using, Google Home, later Alexa, homebrige and 0 problems with my LG.

This all sounds like a network issue.
Are you using green ethernet devices?

No that Iā€™m aware. Is a very simple home setup by now. Mostly Govee lights, a pair of Tp link switches, Xbox, Apple TV, home pods, Lg tv and sound barā€¦

Agreed. Have you set fixed IPs or reserved IPs in your router or are they DHCP?

Many cheap switches are green ethernet switches too, so check the specs.

Fixed up directly in the tv. First by lan and when the problems began I switch to WiFi with same result

The switches are in the kitchen, the tv is not connected to them.
It has coexisted with television in the same house for two years without problems.

LG TVs are updated pretty regular and also gain new functionality now and then.
Green Ethernet is known to cause network issues with some units and both WiFi and Switches can be Green Ethernet devices. Some devices can have it as a feature that can be disabled/enabled, if they are managed and others have it activate at all times.
Example of a switch: TL-SG108 | 8-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Desktop Switch | TP-Link Denmark
Example of an AP: (Here listed as 802.3az under Other interfaces)

But as far as I know or Iā€™ m reading now, that feature applies only to ethernet. My tv is conected by WiFi at the moment so i do not think thatā€™s the problem. my tv (LG G1) annd other devices do not have green Ethernet.

I do not think that is casual that the problem begins at the moment I switch to home assistant. There is something going on between the tv and home assistant.
I was using homebridge without any issues and I decided to switch to home assistant to improve my system. I can use my Apple TV to turn on my lg and forget about my first problem but if I can use automations neither in one of the things I use the most whatā€™s the point of keep fighting with all those problems. Iā€™m thinking to switch back to homebridge :pensive:and I regret it because I really like it but it gives me more problems than good things at the moment. I was doing my home with sweet home 3D amd want to integrate in home assistant I am having so much fan but these problems discourage me from continuing.

I am sorry for your problems, but I run the WebOS TV integration with a 2016, a 2021 and a 2023 model.
And many more users on this forum does.
Also remember that HA has no control of the network, so if it drops off the network, then you probably have network issues or issues with the TV.

WiFi issues can be caused by many factors, like new furniture that blocks signals due to a metal frame and new electronic devices that makes noise. Especially the introduction of smart home devices, like Bluetooth, Zigbee and Matter will put extra load on the 2.4Ghz frequency band, which is also used by many other wireless devices.
If you have neighbors, then their investment in wireless technology will also affect you.

The best you can do is to start using wires for your TV and then test it like that.

Take a look at this github issue:

There is a ping ā€˜solutionā€™ discussed, maybe thatā€™s something to test.

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Thanks but sadly not the same problem. For my first problem I can send a ping because the device disappeared from network randomly when is off till I turn on the tv with the remote. And for the automation problem I canā€™t see how can be useful.

I will try again with wire for a last time if the problem persists Iā€™ m doneā€¦:pensive:

This is a sure sign that the issue is with the network or the TV and not HA.

I disagree and itā€™s not what was the initial description of the problem, if I understood you correctly.

What you describe is basically what is happening with my TV (which is hardwired btw). There is no change in the network, the TV can stream from the net,ā€¦ all is well. I can turn off the TV, turn it back on, etc. But sometimes the integration from github just doesnā€™t work until I reboot HA (not the TV or the router). Then it works for a day, some days, a week, some hoursā€¦ until it doesnā€™t. In between it even has the weird behaviour if I try changing channels, some channels donā€™t work until I changed to completely different channel.

Itā€™s something within the integration in specific or HA in general that makes HA ā€œthinkā€ the TV isnā€™t there anymore, for whatever reason. This might trigger your automation. The pinging is supposed to keep that from happening.

But when it happens to you do you see the tv in the network map of your router? In my case is gone till I turn on the tv with the remote. Then I look in my router config and my tv in right there. The automation problem could be what you say but the first problem I do not think so. If happen to you again look at your router config and look if your tv is conected. In my case could be two different problems and not related

If all else fails, have your automation check that the TV is still off after a couple seconds then turn off the lights.

Maybe your TV has just not been updated for a while and first lately have received an update that enables power saving.
I think mine got a start+ or similar function about an year ago, which will shut the TV nearly totally off after a while of being in standby. I could still get it to turn on with the remote, but all network and smart functions otherwise was disconnected.

I just added a wait time of 30 seconds, the logs shows 9 seconds between detecting off and on again. Every time 9 secondsā€¦ that will be a workaround for the second problem

Quick + do the opposite keep the tv half alive when is on according the lg website if you turn off that setting the tv goes off completely