Any good power line options in the EU?

I would like to automate a new home using a power line technology, but I can’t find anything convincing. I saw mentions of the Insteon PLM but information is sketchy about 220v/50Hz support and the company seems to be half dead.
I also read some reviews about digitalSTROM, but nobody seems to be very enthusiastic.

Is there anything solid that can be used in the EU and can be integrated with HA?

Powerline depends at 75% of the wiring, quality and interference on your electric installation.
The experience of one person with the exact same devices cannot be transposed to another…

My personal experience with TPlink was not great, likely due to the electric issues above, so I went wireless.

I tried TP-Link powerline adaptors a few years ago and could not get the rated speeds even when they were right next to each other in a double socket. My installation is quite modern but performance over any significant distance in the home was very poor. I therefore bought a fishing line kit and ran ethernet cable through the walls to my main locations.

If you do go down the poweline route then bear in mind that the adaptors need to be on the same cicruit, also they don’t like being plugged into extension cables.

No !

Power Line is a horrible solution although attractive for retrofit sometimes. In a new build I would consider the many other options first.

PL is variable in performance, changes as devices are plugged in or switched on/off but worst of all RF pollutive as it uses the mains cabling even outside your home as an aerial.

Thanks for update and quick reply, I found helpful information here, Really appreciate for help.