Any way to launch an app from Home assistant?

Hey guys

In my automation i would like to be able to launch an IOS app from HA

Normally i could do it as this : add a link to a web page which is as this : Click me!

Anyone of you know how to add such either in a script or in an automation ?

I made a small shell_command that i’m using to launch Kodi from HA , when that happens i would like the app on my iPad to be launched automatically so my wife would just need to select the movie she wants to see and voila!

My automation steps are as follow:

I have an input select that when selecting Movie time, switches in the input on the TV , starts Kodi , now to implement the remote control app launch ( Ipad app from where home assistant interface is opened ) , when another input select is chosen , Kodi stops, and input is changed on the TV.

Anyway to achieve this ?


Hi, is it possible?


Never achieved it , on the IOS there seems to be some kind of protection if i recall properly , i read on the web that it . might be possible but it’s way above my development skills