Anyone just recently had issues with Alexa routines not triggering home assistant devices?

I have an alexa routine when I say, good morning, it triggers a input_boolean in HA. Always worked great.

This morning, I tried it, Alexa says OK, but nothing happens. Looking in HA as I say good morning, the input_boolean is not being turned on. I can still have her turn on lights manually but when I put that same light into the routine, it doesnt work either.

This just happened to me too. I took a look at the routines in my Alexa app and the steps that make changes to HA devices had disappeared and all that was left was the speak step. It took me a while to re-figure out how to add device commands again… ‘Add action’. ‘Smart Home’, ‘All Devices’ :slight_smile:

Hmmmm. I never check the actual Alexa app. Mine just started working again after a few hours…

I have had a couple instances where Amazon has co-opted trigger phrases and my routines stopped working… It seems like every couple updates they find a phrase that a lot of people use, and make only work for their “new” feature. This happened about 3 updates ago with the phrase “Dinner Time”.