I’ve tried posting this in the relevant forum but didn’t get a reply, which is fine, but just thought I might try here before giving up on the idea.
I am trying to setup Telegram reminders using this code:
- service: telegram_bot.send_message
title: 'Black Sacks'
target: xx
message: 'Black sacks waste collection tomorrow! Do you want a reminder?'
- "Yes 30 Minutes:/30m, Yes 1 Hour:/1h, Yes In the morning:/8h"
- "No need!:/removekeyboard"
but I don’t find the delay ever triggers a message? Everything else works, I get the message “OK, reminding you in the morning” and the keyboard disappears…
I think it is your last service. I have the same automation just with an hour delay and for a different entity. The only difference between your automation and mine is the last service. I think the message needs to be moved up in your sequence.
Is there no way of using a template, to save the number of automations needed?
Like, I want an automation that will set the delay according to the answer in the inline_keyboard…
So, what I’m asking is, can you use a template here:
platform: event
event_type: telegram_callback
data: <> ???