I’m trying to add this:
ebusd - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
To be confusing there is a daemon called ebusd and an integration called the same
This is default add to yaml file "
circuit: “700”
The ebusd-daemon is on this RP/HA as per
LukasGrebe/ebusd-configuration: ebusd configuration files (github.com)
This add on is recommended by ebusd-github guide
Which means ebusd-daemon runs locally, unlike instructions for ebusd-integration. I think older adapters only connected to a 2ndRP running the daemon.
It works. I can see its MQTT. My circuit on mqtt is called “bai”. My RP4 running the ebusd-daemon and Home Assistant is (static) on I’ve tried everything I can think for hours and searched net for solution. As I found in one place I have tried adding message options, specifying the port etc. but nothing I’ve done works.
NB: Add-on works and connects to ebusd adapter and updates mqtt. Is the default 8888 port in use?