Hey Everyone!
I was browsing around and found this Govee pressure sensor, but I couldn’t find where anyone had used it with Home Assistant. Has anyone used this with Home Assistant? If so, how did it go?
Hey Everyone!
I was browsing around and found this Govee pressure sensor, but I couldn’t find where anyone had used it with Home Assistant. Has anyone used this with Home Assistant? If so, how did it go?
I got it in, but Home Assistant does not recognize it through Bluetooth or ZHA, but it is detected through the Govee app. It is model H5130.
Do you have any suggestions on getting this recognized by HA?
Do you know if it actually send Bluetooth advertising data with decodable information contained, or does it have a proprietary connection to a Gove hub, which in turn then allows for WiFi and Bluetooth connection?
That’s not quite clear to me from the Amazon page.
I have many Govee devices, mainly temperature sensors and an air filter. The air filter is connected to my Govee phone app while everything else is just connected to HA. This pressure sensor is the first Govee device that i haven’t been able to connect to HA since everything else automagically showed up. I’m not sure what else to do.
Our Theengs Gateway HA Add-on does recognise and decoder several Gove devices directly through their Bluetooth advertising broadcasts, the same as ble-monitor, so I personally could really only talk about the possibility of Bluetooth integration.
For that however it would be required to see if the H5130 does send out decodable BLE broadcasts.
A good start would be the nRF Connect app for your phone, to see if you might spot it broadcasting there, and if it has Advertising Data displaying when selecting it in the app.
The device shows up in nRF but not in HA after installing Theengs and rebooting. What else can I do to help?
Name: GV51302388
Address: D2:21:C1:86:23:88
UUID: ee0c3509-af20-4fa6-abd4-a349ca3bbaad
RSSI: -37 dBm
Last advertisement packet:
Raw data: 0x0201060B09475635313330323338380FFF88EC010DFE5DD221C1862388010E0B0947563531333032333838
in the Theengs Gateway configuration page 0 SAVE at the bottom, then monitor the undecoded MQTT messages published for the id: D2:21:C1:86:23:88 in MQTT Explorer
It should have some undecoded manufacturer data, paste a message here along with what the Gove shows as pressure and whatever other properties it might have. Then we can see if some or all of these properties are also encoded in the raw data, which would then make it possible to create a decoder for it.
Here is some information I’ve collected. Let me know if there is a better way to provide this info so that I can help you help me help everyone:
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d00f51b8c7f8b44455a4e8cbecf3f3b3525d25f8e7ed9”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -62}
12/09/2024 4:46:24 PM(-3.2 minutes)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d00f22cd8d0d0d1238c9575d24b72e15b53a39eaff6d6”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -68}
12/09/2024 4:46:18 PM(-5.64 seconds)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d00f216eee643a5ac2a38a0e9f9af15061f466bd181c8”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -78}
12/09/2024 4:45:06 PM(-71.88 seconds)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88ec010dfe5dd221c1862388010e”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -68}
12/09/2024 4:42:25 PM(-2.69 minutes)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d00ee82b860af4158d8d9503f2c15477467ba0e41651c”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -66}
12/09/2024 4:42:24 PM(-1.12 seconds)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d00ee82b860af4158d8d9503f2c15477467ba0e41651c”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -62}
12/09/2024 4:42:24 PM(-0.21 seconds)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d00ee82b860af4158d8d9503f2c15477467ba0e41651c”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -62}
12/09/2024 9:40:24 AM(-7.03 hours)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d046c04a9fd32668843529adb28895e9bc34c45bd21c2”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -74}
12/09/2024 9:40:24 AM(-0.35 seconds)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88effe5d046c04a9fd32668843529adb28895e9bc34c45bd21c2”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -78}
12/09/2024 9:39:18 AM(-65.83 seconds)
{“manufacturerdata”: “88ec010dfe5dd221c1862388010e”, “name”: “GV51302388”, “id”: “D2:21:C1:86:23:88”, “rssi”: -76}
12/09/2024 9:36:49 AM(-2.48 minutes)
Thanks for these samples! They are exactly in the format we need to work on this.
Unfortunately I’m not quite sure about the time sync between the raw BLE data and the apps statuses, but the fact that the undecoded raw manufacturerdata is changing might well indicate that it contains decodable information.
I’ll have a proper look at these in the next days, and might ask you for some more confirmations and sample, but first bedtime here at my end of the world for now
No problem. Let me know if/when you need more information. I’m glad to help!
Quick dumb question: I used MQTT Explorer to copy/pasta the data here and it shows about 677 random Bluetooth devices sniffed over the last 24 hours. Is there a better way to collect all of the ongoing historical values for a specific device directly using Home Assistant or HA plugin?
If you select the one device you are interested in with its MAC address (without colons) top under the BTtoMQTT topic and then expand and view the History for these messages on the right side, you only get the history for these device’s messages.
Also looking into the Theengs Gateway Add-on settings you will find
- when off only published recognised and decoded devices
and particularly the option for a
- where you can enter the Bluetooth MAC addresses of only the device(s) you want Theengs Gateway to recognise, decode and publish MQTT messages for.
There are also other MQTT applications I use, all with slightly different UI concept and how they differentiate and display messages when connected and monitoring a broker, so maybe also have a look at MQTTX, MQTT.fx or others depending on your OS, which might suit you better.
With the manufacturer data being quite different in large chunks of its hex data I am also wondering if the might be encrypted. With it also stating that
The pressure sensor cannot be used alone as a sensor, and must be used in connection with GoveeLife devices.
there could well be an encryption with a Gove internal key.
But as it seems that we are only really interested in two binary on/off states, there would be a few more message samples required,
Could you post some more samples of the sensor just being left alone, i.e. No pressure the whole time, and see if and how several messages might have different data and which parts might stay the same.
Then also the same with the sensor being constantly Under pressure for a while, with several sample messages off that.
My next questions:
• Does the button just register one single clic, or does it also allow for possible double clicks or long presses in the Gove app?
• Does the sensor show its battery status somewhere in the Govee app at all, and is it possibly currently at 93%?
Looks like progress on this has stalled. I don’t really have anything to add other than I hope it comes through some day. It would be cool to have an off the shelf pressure sensor in Home Assistant.
Pressure Binary sensor should work in govee-ble 0.41.0+
Button should work in govee-ble 0.42.0+
Thanks, I’ll probably give a shot now. I don’t have a legit use case for a pressure sensor yet. But the idea of it peaks my curiosity so I just want play around with it. Even if it’s just for pranks.
Please let us know if this works. I’ve looking too for a pressure sensor to hook up to HA.