We are investigating if we want to migrate our MQTT client from Paho to HBMQTT. Main driver here is that HBMQTT is implemented using asyncio and thus will run directly on our core instead of in a thread.
The downside of HBMQTT is that it only supports the newer MQTT 3.1.1 protocol. So if you have an MQTT 3.1 server, it won’t work. Hence the question, are you using a server that only supports MQTT 3.1 protocol?
FYI, the following servers support the 3.1.1 protocol:
- The Home Assistant embedded HBMQTT server
- Mosquitto 1.3+ (shipped in Debian Jessie and derived distributions (Raspbian, Hassbian))
- CloudMQTT (it uses Mosquitto 1.4)
- AWS IoT (uses MQTT 3.1.1 with minor changes)
- Mosca