Anyone using if one of these smart door locks? (Sesame)

I’m looking into smart door locks I can install in my apartment. I’ve come across this ( and was wondering if anyone has used this and if integrates into HA.

Doesn’t have any kind of an API and only can be controlled via the dedicated app so you’ll either need to contact them about API plans or look elsewhere. You could try to rig up something with Tasker, and then try to integrate it from that point, but you’d really have to buy one to know whether it’s possible and then it’s kinda too late.

I make it clear to vendors that I won’t buy any smart device that doesn’t have a published API or one on the way. This ensures that (eventually) everything I buy will work together some how.

Not to mention it looks like it only works with bluetooth unless you buy that $70 wifi access point. That seems kind of rough.

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That’s too bad, it looks like a pretty good idea. I like your philosophy @rpitera.

It’s the main reason why I’ve been able to reuse and re-purpose everything I bought in the past with HA. And anytime I see a survey or a request for comment on a startup/crowdfund, it’s the first thing I ask. Because if it has an API, eventually someone will write something for it in GitHub and then it’s only a matter of time before it gets assimilated Borg style into HA. LOL

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I have a Danalock. Works fine