Anyway to Auto re-boot HA at say 3 AM each day?

Every couple of weeks, HA on my RPi 4B will stop communicating, both browser and phone app.
It is hardwired on my network with a fixed IP. Even a simple ping to it’s address fails.
It there any recourse for a re-boot other than pulling the plug?

You could call the service hassio.host_reboot at a certain time each day, that would be the baked-in way of doing it. Or you could write a bash script to restart HA or to restart the host Pi.

I would try to troubleshoot why HA is freezing up in the first place rather than trying to schedule reboots. If you have a spare rPi4 around, try swapping to that to see if it is a hardware issue.

From what you described, if the rPi isn’t even responding to a ping, that’s not a HA issue; That’s a hardware issue.

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Create an Automation using the homeassistant.restart service.
But, I agree with the other feedback, are you sure the issue is HA Core related?
By using the mentioned service you should be able to find out whether the issue is HA Core related.

I’ll try replacing the power supply first. That’s easier. Next step would be to swap the RPi.

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