Apex Chart Card Y-Axis

I have been working on an Apexcharts-card to display several weather related sensors in one place rather than have separate gauges etc. Placing the two temperature sensors and the humidity sensor using an additional y-axis definition worked out well but in redefining the weather dashboard the relative pressure display was somehow eliminated. Adding relative pressure to the existing Apex Chart was considered but because of the disparate value ranges and because a second y-axis range was already defined, I did not know if this was possible. Gleaning the published data on the Apexcharts-card did not give any clues as no example of using more than two y-axis definitions was given. I decided to just try adding a third y-axis definition, hoping it would simply display adjacent to my second y-axis range. The good news is that is exactly the case. Now I have the temperature range displayed on the left and both humidity and rPressure displayed on the right.
The one thing I would like to modify is the spacing between the two y-axis ranges on the right. I have no idea if this is even possible within the Apexcharts-card. If anyone has an idea how to accomplish something like that, I would appreciate any hints.

 type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Min/Max
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: false
  - id: temps
    decimals: 1
  - id: humid
    decimals: 1
    opposite: true
  - id: press
    decimals: 1
    opposite: true
  stroke_width: 1
    extremas: true
  - entity: sensor.filtered_inside_temp
    yaxis_id: temps
    name: Inside
  - entity: sensor.filtered_outside_temp
    yaxis_id: temps
    name: Outside
  - entity: sensor.filtered_outside_humidity
    yaxis_id: humid
    name: Humid
    type: column
      func: avg
      duration: 30min
  - entity: sensor.filtered_relative_pressure
    yaxis_id: press
    name: rPress

Not that I’,m aware of.

        - id: left
                colors: '#ff0000'
            tickAmount: 8
          decimals: 0

Get rid of the decimals first, and make use of tickAmount which does reduce the number of values on the axis for the sake to have more “sensefull” data within the diagram but static numbers on these 3 axis.

Unsure about the size of that card, but I would simply hide all 3 axis since you use extremas which give you all the relevant information anyway. But that depend upon likes/dislikes for sure.