ApexCharts-card stacked bar graph doesn't stack when 'yaxis' is included

Greetings! I’m a long-time lurker, first-time poster. Thank you for all the help everyone has provided to me over the years.

I hit upon something this morning that has me stumped and I haven’t found the solution in any of the existing posts.

When I omit ‘yaxis’ from the ApexCharts Card Configuration, I get the stacked bar graph I want (except that the yaxis isn’t formatted as desired):

But when I include ‘yaxis’, the graph is no longer stacked:

Am I missing something obvious?

Thank you so much,

I have seen this happen for quite some time but only took time to figure out why today.

I found that since 2.1.0, one needs to assign column series to stack_groups if yaxis is present.

Reported upstream as Column charts do not stack without stack_group if yaxis is set · Issue #827 · RomRider/apexcharts-card · GitHub

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Thank you, @scop. I would not have figured that one out on my own.

Here’s my final code: