App Client Android iOS


I have been searching for Github, Forums and others if there is an app for the HA, with the configuration and other functions disabled.

I have seen:

-Ariela, it’s very good, although the drop-down appears to access the configuration, and advertising appears…
-HomeAssist, is obsolete since the update of permissions and users
-HA Client, this one is going great and you log in with a tokken, but you can access the configuration … and I think that iOS isn’t

I don’t know if there is even the possibility of creating a user who cannot see the configurations and other administrator access… and be able to access from the web directly, but I have tried different options and I can always access the configuration.

Thank you

Hello again.

I’m trying to block parts of webserver…but don’t find the solution

Anybody know another app or solution?

Best regards

I have used MQTT Dash on my Mother phone so she can turn on and off lights and see temperature but cannot access other stuff.

Do you have more info about this app?
Thanks You comunicate with MQTT not with HA.

Thanks…is an alternative

Thanks a lot. I going to check, but I think the best is integrate in HA for receive sensors and other things…

Best regards

Anybody another idea?
