App Daemon Buttons?

was wondering how to make appdaemon HADashbord act like homeassistant
for exemple in homeassistant if i use a mqtt component for a switch to turn on a light and if i click the homeassistant button to turn a light on has a exemple, the button will automatic turns off if the device im trying to comunicate doesnt exists sense it cant comunicate,

but when i use appdaemon i dont see this happening, if i click a button eaven if the device doesnt exists the button will stay on

is there anyway to make it work like homeassistant does?
or im missing something


That is a design choice - optimistic vs pessimistic switching. I have an item on my list to make it selectable which will give you the behavior you see in Home Assistant, but it is functioning as designed right now.

@aimc what you mean by design choice, where i see that?
and how to make it optimistic switch?

or is this under development?
sorry for my question im new at this and trying to understant how all works…


i belive this feature its very important sense in real life you will be thinking lights are on when they not and vice verse :slight_smile:

andrew meant that he made the choice to let it act the way it does, when he did start creating appdaemon.
so it isnt possible yet.

the list he is talking about it the list of things that he wants to develop in the “near” future.
so it will come under development as soon as he has the possibility to do so.

both situations have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • if a switch doesnt do its work, the switch will be out of sink
  • if an automation is used to switch the switch i will see that it turned and my automation has worked
  • the visual part works correct without flaws


  • the switch will always show what the situation is
  • if an automation turns the switch and the switch doesnt work, i dont know iffmtomaion happened
  • the visual switch will be going on and off, or on with a delay
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thanks for explanation Rene :slight_smile:
cnat wait to come out!!!