AppDaemon Google Home

Hi. I have test config for my garage door:

        device_class: garage
        unique_id: garagedoor
        friendly_name: "Test Garage Door"

and AppDaemon app:

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass 

# имя датчика открытых ворот OpenSensor
OS = "sensor.test_open" 
# имя датчика закрытых ворот ClosedSensor
CS = "sensor.test_close"
# имя самих ворот
GATE = "cover.test_garage_door"
# имя ворот, отображаемых в интерфейсе ХА
GATEFNAME = "Test Garage Door"

class garage_door_status(hass.Hass):
    def initialize(self):
        handle = None
        # слушем изменение датчиков открытых и закрытых ворот и если оно есть, запускаем функцию garage_door_status
        self.listen_state(self.garage_door_status, OS, attribute="all")
        self.listen_state(self.garage_door_status, CS, attribute="all")
        #self.log(f'current state open sensor {last_open_sensor}')
        #self.log(f'current state close sensor {last_close_sensor}')
    def garage_door_status(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
        if old["state"]:
            # немного тестирования статуса false
            self.log(f'=====.input new state is {new["state"]}. old state is {old["state"]}')
            if new["state"] == "off":
                if entity == OS:
                    self.log("info 11. set gate staus to open")
                    self.set_state(GATE, state="open", attributes={"friendly_name": GATEFNAME,  "supported_features": "11", "device_class": "garage"})
                elif entity == CS:
                    self.log("info 12. set gate staus to closed")
                    self.set_state(GATE, state="closed", attributes={"friendly_name": GATEFNAME,  "supported_features": "11", "device_class": "garage"})
            if old["state"] == "off" and new["state"] == "on":
                if entity == OS:
                    self.log("info 13. set gate staus to closing")
                    self.set_state(GATE, state="closing", attributes={"friendly_name": GATEFNAME,  "supported_features": "11", "device_class": "garage"})
                elif entity == CS:
                    self.log("info 14. set gate staus to opening")
                    self.set_state(GATE, state="opening", attributes={"friendly_name": GATEFNAME,  "supported_features": "11", "device_class": "garage"})

The point is - depends on sensor trigered (i have 2 sensors - gate open and gate closed), gate state changes to open, close, opening closing. It work fine, until i was try to use google assistant to open garage door - google can not find entity. I was try some steps, andfind out:

  1. reload template in HA.
  2. ok google, update my devices. I can see garage door cover in google home android app.
  3. ok google, open test garage door - work fine. Try to chage cover.test_garage_door to open/closed state in development panel - work fine. Google assistant work after too.
  4. I use app using code above.
    5 ok google, update my devices. I can not see my garage door, its gone

What i wad do wrong? Maybe appdaemon change some attributes in cover entities? Can some one point me to logs to view?