Apple TV (+ HomePod) Issues

I am pretty new to HA - and seeking some input from you experts.

I came from several years on Alexa where things just worked all the time. I am pretty heavy in the Apple ecosystem. HA is obviously much more robust in most areas.

I have the Apple TV Integration added (2 Apple TV and 2 HomePods). I found that these often go off (offline), so I setup an automation to Reload the integration, which mostly works. I recently ran into an issue where restarting my network devices (Eero Routers), the devices stop working. They did not reload since it wasn’t logging as turning off.

I often do network updates as Eero performs releases. So I am concerned about the reliability of HA (especially with Apple devices). I am wired in with ethernet cord too. A couple questions:

  1. Does HA require a reboot each time the network restarts?
  2. Does Apple TV integration require reloading after a network reboot?
  3. Anyone have experience with this issue - and suggestions to improve reliability? I don’t want half of HA to be non-functional after an outage, restart, or router update.

Thank you!!!

I’m less new to HA, but no expert. I only have one Apple TV (A.TV), and had two HomePods (HP) joined as external speakers in the same room. But as the speaker’s were unreliable paired, that was abandoned and I distributed them elsewhere for voice commands.

Early 2024 I also concocted a HK restart script, but only recently realized I no longer have a need for it. Over time I made sure the apple devices were’t too close to each other and separated my dual band mesh network (even shut down the 5ghz band for a spell). I don’t know what has changed other than that, besides Apple’s updates.

As to your questions:
1 No reboot of my HA Green necessary on router restart
2. Ditto for my Apple devices. Homekit
3. I don’t know enough about networking to suggest how to troubleshoot your router, unfortunately. I’ve done that for my Asus mesh router, but that was months ago. That would seem to the place to focus, however. It could be a setting, it could be placement of the unit involved. (Presuming the A,TV & HP’s automatically update themselves).

I don’t think that is much help, but I wanted to acknowledge

Any feedback and ideas is helpful, so thank you. I will look at my router situation and move around to make sure that’s not an issue.

If it is common that integration(s) - or even HA - should be restarted after a network restart/outage, it would be awesome if there was an automation that could trigger this when it was detected (if that is possible).