šŸ“³ Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Yes!! Itā€™s all working again! Thanks for the very fast response and helpšŸ‘!
And I saw the new cycle counter option, nice!!
Although I have this setup and working of my own, I will check this out!

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Btw, also in both yamlā€™s (appliance and battery) there is this:


9+ occasions in each yaml. Do I have to do something about that? Or just leave it as it is? (Even after update to 2.8).


Are you sure it is my blueprint? Appliance and battery do not have sort.

Blacky :smiley:

Really? Thatā€™s strange, but yes, Iā€™m sure.


HA is adding it to my code when you import it. That is strange but that is the default value anyway. The funny thing is, I reported this to studio code server 8 hours ago as one of my blueprints use it.

Donā€™t worry about it as it is allowed and studio code server just has to update there side.

Blacky :smiley:

Funny indeed, but ok, Iā€™ll leave it as is!
Thanks again!

Thank you for your support
. Here the code. Seems OK to me?
By the way the consumption is also not show. Is says 2 times ā€œVaatwasser is gestartā€

alias: Vaatwas Notifications & Actions
description: "Tracks start and end "
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
    power_sensor: sensor.vaatwasser_power
    start_appliance_power: 20
    start_time_delay: 0.5
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
      - 6e314bf857e6f7c76814234d108ca0a8
    start_title: Vaatwasser
    start_message: "Is gestart. "
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - 6e314bf857e6f7c76814234d108ca0a8
    end_message_title: Vaatwasser
    end_message: "programma beƫindigd. "
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.vaatwasser_power
    end_message_kwh: "Verbruik : "
    include_duration_tracking: enable_duration_tracking
    end_message_duration_tracking: "Duurtijd : "
    end_appliance_power: 10
    running_dead_zone: 0
    include_watchdog: enable_watchdog
      hours: 2
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
    watchdog_message: Uh-oh! Time to check the dishwasher.


It should not do it but I do see that you have missed entering 3 helpers into Power Tracking. You will need to disable this option or enter in the 3 helpers

  1. Power Tracking - Cost per kWh
  2. Power Tracking - Start Number Helper
  3. Power Tracking - End Number Helper

the how to do this is here

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

Cool, understand it!

I will easily disable the power tracking as I was just curious and not really need for now.
Will see how it goes tomorrow!

Thanks for such a good support!

Couldnā€™t wait :joy:. Disabled and did a quick test. Workā€™s like a charm now!!

Thanks again!

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What needs to be in the Power Tracking End Number Helper?
Exactly the same as in Power Tracking - Start Number Helper?
Just that it has two different names?
You may have a picture of the End Number Helper to illustrate this!
Thanks for your help ! LG BigDaddy


Welcome to the community.

Yes, you need 2 number helpers one for the start and one for the end. You also need another number helper for the Power Tracking - Cost per kWh. In total you will need 3 number helpers and the only one you can reuse in another automation is the Power Tracking - Cost per kWh helper.

Here is the link to the FAQ that shows you how to set it all up, click here

Blacky :smiley:

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I am able to monitor my water consumption and wonder if there can be added a extra tracking option like the power consumption tracking. Doing a meter reading at the beginning and at the end shows me how much water the washing or dishwasher has used. Washing machines and dishwashers have all kind programs like the ECO, this enables you to check which program is most efficient in power and water consumption. Just an idea :slight_smile:


I was going to add this in the last update but I personal donā€™t have any water meter in HA. I did some research on them and I was going to ask the community on the entities they have and what is the most common vale they are measured in. I can see some real value in having it. To add it would be easy I just want to get it right.

Maybe if your keen and reading this you can provide me a screen shot of the entities you have of your water meters.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi Blacky,
In my case I have a entity called sensor watermeter_consumption_day
At midnight this is set back to zero. There are different sources that can provide water consumption info like the HomeWizard watersensor. This sensor is mounted on a analog watermeter and reads a small wheel that turns 360 degree for each liter consumedā€¦ The HA Homewizard intergration is available in HACS. Basically the entity are more or less the same.
I realize power plug sensing is globally is more or less the same.


Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

Blacky :smiley:


The blueprint is great and custom actions such as announment on google hub works perfect. But when custom actions is set, the message to our mobiles does not work.


I have tested it here and it is working.

Could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on ā€œ</>ā€ and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

Version: 2.8 - 26 Jan-24
This needs to be updated/changed to:
Version: 2.8 - 26 Jan-25

Thank you for yur help

alias: Waschmaschine_Ende
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
    power_sensor: sensor.0xf84477fffed15a06_power
    start_appliance_power: 30
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - f048c4c99ea7a07dddcd235498b8b76b
      - f2a5ff81ec80f71fc6697d819f3de173
    end_notify_data: []
    end_appliance_power: 10
    end_time_delay: 2
      - enable_end_custom_actions
      - action: tts.cloud_say
        metadata: {}
          cache: false
          entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer
          message: Hallo. Die Waschmaschine ist fertig.
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.0xf84477fffed15a06_power
    end_message_title: Waschmaschine
    end_message: Die Waschmaschine ist fertig