Approach for per light scenes

Hi All,

I’m wanting to have lighting scenes mimicking that of Philips Hue, “Relax”, “Study”, “Arctic Aurora”, etc.

I understand I can achieve this by grouping my lights and then creating a scene per group. However, with this, I end up with scenes of “Relax Sitting room” “Study Sitting room” “Study kitchen” and so on, its a lot of configuration.

I like the idea of having scripts that can take an entity id as a parameter, in this setup, I just have a “Relax”, “Study”, “Arctic Aurora” script and pass whatever entity id I want the script to act on. This works nicely.

However, I’m wanting to integrate the whole thing with Alexa. Ideally, I should be able to say "Alexa, set mode to on " e.g. “Alexa, set mode to relax on living room light”. In this scenario, the script would be responsible for returning the response and deciding if it supports the given entity.

I’ve done some work already with the Alexa integration to support effects via the mode controller . The issue I see with this is that only a subset of the scripts will be applicable to being called via alexa and exposing them all via the discovery endpoint is likely a poor idea.

So my questions are:

  1. Is my understanding of Scripts/Scenes correct? If so, is there any way to ease the problem of having to manually create a scene for every room/light?

  2. My first thought for solving 1) is to write some sort of configuration generator - for all lights create scenes x, y, z and be done with it. Is this something that happens in the home assistant world?

  3. I like the idea of extending all entities to be able to run arbitrary scripts via Alexa. However, I’m not sure about how to filter down the scripts only expose scripts to supporting entities. Some initial thoughts would be - Is there metadata that can be added to scripts to allow filtering? Should scripts be added to a group that would define their capabilities i.e. “lighting scripts” and this set of scripts is returned as part of the ModeController discovery on Alexa for lighting devices.


Looking at this further, the profile field of may be useful.

Added profile support to Alexa on a custom fork of home assistant, works pretty well

Should I go about contributing this back?