April 30 2018 Update 0.68.1 not showing

Hey Everyone,

The update 0.68.1 is not showing in my hass.io and it seams I’m not the only one.
REFF: Hassio not showing that an update is available

It takes 24 hours or so for the update to be built and available for Hassio.

I tried manually updating it but this was my response.

core-ssh:~# hassio homeassistant update
Version 0.68.0 is already in usecore-ssh:~#

well duh! did you not understand my previous post?

Clearly I didn’t no need to be rude! not everyone is at the same level.

Just so you know and you probably see it too, 0.68.1 is now showing as available (using a sensor) on the frontend but it’s still not showing when I go to the Hassio tab.

As I said to you, Hassio takes longer and does this. I expect it will be available to update probably in the next 12 hours.

With Hassio you just have to wait! It’s not an error!