Aqara Button Integration Aqara Hub M2

Hello :slight_smile:
i hope iam in the right subforum.
I have an Aqara Hub M2 and try to connect with home assistant. With the Xiaomi plugin it doesnt work so i have it integrated with Homekit Controller. This works fine for door/windows Sensors, Temperature sensors but not for my button.
The Button shows only entity Battery but no function. Is it possible to integrate all Button Funtctions over Homekitcontroller?

Or is there a other way to connect my Aqara Hub M2? Have my Hub in Homekit Mode

Greetings :slight_smile:

Hello mate!

unfortunately hub M2 donโ€™t talk to HA, so you can go two routes. Set it up as a HomeKit device and connect it directly to HA. Then you would be able to setup the buttons. If you want to set it up so you can do several action with your buttons as long press, dubble and singel click then you would first need to set it up with the Aqara application then configure it so itโ€™s set to multi button mode. Then soft reset(long press button in from of hub 10 sec) and connect it via homekit to Aqara.

Other than this you could also just set it up with Aqara application, then make the button do shortcuts that would talk directly with the HA. Set up automation in HA that would listen to the command then do action based on this.

From Nodered