I have an Aqara Cube, it’s connected via zigbee2mqtt in Home Assistant. My goal was, to mount it on a wooden stick and use this as sort of a “magic wand”. Like: Double tap the wand (with the Aqara cube attached to its upper end) on the floor, and the lights get dark. Rotate the wand clockwise, and something else happens and so on.
Problem is, that the cube only seems to work, when it’s placed on a flat surface. If the cube is mounted on something, that ist held by hand, the cube seems to programmed to not do anything. Same thing, of course, if I try to use it freehand.
Yes, I understand, that under normal circumstances, it would be not advisable, if random commands were generated, while the cube is carried, in a pocket or in a hand.
But I had assumed, that it would work, if mounted on a wooden post, when it is resting on the ground.
Is there any way to set the tolerance for little random movements and slight deviations from beein horizontal?
I have looked in “settings” for the cube in Z2M, but did not see anything promising.
I wonder, if it is possible at all to use the Aqara Cube in the way I intended. That’s a reason, why I posted the question in “hardware”, not in in “configuration” yet.
Maybe it’s hard coded in the electronic of the cube, that it only recognizes events, when it’s placed on a flat an stable surface?
Those are pretty sensitive to pick the actual movements from the internal sensors, so I would say no.
However a vibration sensor should do what you like,as you can do the physical thing and get x-y-z direction and intensity readings , and match that to a trigger…