Aqara FP2 Problems

I’m having problems getting HA to add my FP2 to the Homekit integration. I’ve followed the various tutorials but HA Homekit never detects the device. I add it to the Apple Home app on my iPad and it’s fine. I them remove it from the Home app and i never see it detected in HA. What am I missing?

I had to let mine “bake” in HomeKit for about 10 minutes for it to be found in HA after removing it from HomeKit.

got it working. turns out i needed to enable mdns on my vlans

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ended up returning the fp2 device. it’s really a pos. very unreliable. will need to find something else.

Yeah, it’s one of Aqara’s weaker devices. It took me about 2 weeks to finally got mine tuned. LOTS of AI learning runs and had to make a lot of my zones interference zones.

I still get quite a few false positives, but it does get better over time.

i got a ZY-M100 sensor. this thing works amazingly well. right out of the box it “just works”. nice set of knobs exposed to z2m and for $27 it can’t be beat.

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