Aqara Hub and HA not seeing motion sensor light meter

Hi all,

I am using the Aqara hub in Mi Home. I paired it without issue to HA and all 5 devices paired to the hub are being seen in HA. I am not seeing the light (intensity) sensor in HA, though. The hub is reporting LUX values, but not sure how to get HA to see that. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the intensity sensor to be recognized in HA? Thank you!!


Do you mean the light sensor in the HUB (assuming the Aqara hub has it - no idea), or a separate light sensor?

I have a Xiaomi hub, and it reports light in lumens:

Hi Jon, thank you. I have the Aqara hub but am having a lot of trouble pairing it. Which hub are you using? Do you have any trouble with it parking with HA? Do you mind sharing the model number?


I’ve got 2x Xiaomi HUB running firmware 1.1.2, paired using the Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara) - Home Assistant integration.

both are lumi.gateway.v3 (DGNWG02LM), and are connected to the CN server…then unlocked.

Thank you @walaj - I will check into that.

One question - what do you mean unlocked?


Thank you, @walaj - does the same apply for HA?

If you want to use the Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara) - Home Assistant integration, then yes, as it says in the docs, you need the LAN key, as per Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara) - Domoticz

if you want to use the MIIO integration (Xiaomi Miio - Home Assistant) then this works differently…