Aqara motion sensor not detecting motioning

Aqara motion sensor not detecting motion

I am using an old laptop to run HAOS. I have a sonoff zigbee 3.0 usb dongle plugged into a usb extension cord and it is set up with ZHA. I am able to get my aqara motion sensors connected but after that they drop motion detected and do not change state even when I wave my hand in front of it.

I have ikea switches connected through ZHA to the dongle and they have no issues working. What are some potential things I can try to trouble shoot the motion sensors not working?

Here is my log: dpaste/CX63f (Python)

Thank you

I have found my Aqara motion sensors to become unreliable when the battery gets below 60%.

I just bought them. When I connected them to HA it said they’re better level is above 80%

I’m running 6 aqara p1 motion sensors and dont have any issues with them, regardless of battery level.

If you are running an older aqara motion sensor, then the cool off period before it will detect motion is quite long, so could it be that ?

If its a p1 you’re using, you can configure the timeout period before motion is detected again.

I have tried waiting a day before testing again and it still won’t pick up motion. The luminosity and temperature also don’t change. After a while it will switch to unavailable. I’m completely lost on this one. I have 2 of them experiencing this issue

Ok, when i was talking about a long time before detecting motion again, I was thinking more of 60 seconds… not a whole day!

Your LQI score looks healthy at 180, so its not likely a weak signal.
However, your log only shows 1 device, so I’m guessing the other one dropped off already.

Are you updated to version 2023.5.3 as 5.0-5.2 had some stability issues with certain coordinators and ZHA. If you are on an affected version I’d highly suggest you upgrade as 5.0-5.2 intermittently knocked all of my aqara devices offline .

Have ever resolved this? I’ve got the same issue with a SONOFF plus dongle

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