Aqara temp sensors show unavailable in HA but works in zigbee2mqtt

I reinstalled it and leave default config in supervisor tab

logins: []
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
require_certificate: false

Then I changed zigbee2mqtt as well and removed user/pass

homeassistant: true
permit_join: true
  base_topic: homeassistant
  server: mqtt://
  port: /dev/ttyACM0
    friendly_name: temp-living
    friendly_name: temp-dining
    friendly_name: temp-bucatarie
    friendly_name: temp-baie-parter
    friendly_name: temp-baie-luca
    friendly_name: temp-dormitor-luca
    friendly_name: temp-hol-etaj
    friendly_name: temp-dormitor-noi
    friendly_name: temp-dressing-etaj
    friendly_name: temp-baie-noi
    friendly_name: temp-dormitor-mijloc

Then I see a notification for new devices and saw in integration mosquitto broker and added it
I removed user/pass from here also

So now I am waiting to HA discover the zigbee2mqtt devices

Are these correct steps?

Not quit. The latest mqtt add-on does not support anonymous connections. User/Password are always needed.

Ok, Added in mqtt conf in supervisor user /pass

  - username: mqtthass
    password: '12345678'
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
require_certificate: false

saved and restarted

then go to configuration → Integrations and added user pass here also on mqtt

Then changed conf on the pi as well

homeassistant: true
permit_join: true
  base_topic: homeassistant
  server: mqtt://
  username: 'mqtthass'
  password: '12345678'
  port: /dev/ttyACM0
    friendly_name: temp-living
    friendly_name: temp-dining
    friendly_name: temp-bucatarie
    friendly_name: temp-baie-parter
    friendly_name: temp-baie-luca
    friendly_name: temp-dormitor-luca
    friendly_name: temp-hol-etaj
    friendly_name: temp-dormitor-noi
    friendly_name: temp-dressing-etaj
    friendly_name: temp-baie-noi
    friendly_name: temp-dormitor-mijloc

and restarted zigbee2mqtt as well

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Still waiting for devices to appear again but nothing happened yet…is there any way to configure them manually?
First time when I installed it they show up under configuration / integrations mqtt but now is still empty

Strange problem. How is Zigbee2MQTT installed ?

Followed this tutorial and using a raspi 4 and a CC26X2R1 card.
I am thinking to move the CC26X2R1 card directly in intel nuc where HA is running and install zigbee2mqtt addon …

L.E. sorry missed the link

What tutorial ?

Sorry missed the link

Ok, an installation on bare metal. Probably Raspbian if on pi4.

Try :
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
and then

apt-get install mosquitto

to install mosquitto on your Pi 4

then configure HA to access the mqtt on your Pi4

You mean to configure mqtt broker on the pi and not on the HA

Indeed. :+1:

Meanwhile I moved CC26X2R1 card on the nuc and installed zigbee2mqttaddon…seems till now is working. If that will be fine, then I will move the nuc in the place of pi in order to have all xiaomi sensors in range…one point of failure less :slight_smile:

Will keep you posted anyway

Thanks a lot for all you help, really appreciated

I had a similar issue and found the credentials in the MQTT broker were not what I had set when setting up Mosquito.
Setting>core-mosquitto MQTT?Configure>Re-configure MQTT> Enter the MOsquito Username and password you set up initially.

Worked for me !