Aqara Vibration Sensor with conbee || not showing tilt/vibrationStrength

I have a conbee II (I dont have the aqara hub) stick to which I paired a aqara vibration sensor but I only see these sensor states.

Is there a way for me to see the tilt/vibration strength via a script maybe or what would also help me is if I could reduce the trigger length because right now the vibration triggers and then untriggers after 60 seconds I would like this to be shorter like 5 sec?

To get the angles you have to parse zha_event data. See the ZHA docs. I think the same is true of strengh, but it’s been so long since I had one paired under ZHA, I can’t say for sure.

Zigbee2mqtt exposes the angle and strength as sensors.

I understand using zha_events from a coder perspective, but it kind of sucks from a user perspective.

z2m has a timeout option, but I don’t think it actually changes the device behavior, instead just forcing he mqtt vibration entity state to false. Not sure though, for my purposes the default works.