Aqara WXKG11LM switch Zigbee2MQTT not pairing

Hi all,
I am trying to add the Aqara WXKG11LM switch to my setup. So far I have plenty of Aqara Door Sensors and other Zigbee devices and everything works like a charm.
But the switch does not seem to pair.
I have followed all sorts of different suggestions who to get it into pairing mode and for this specific model it seems to be 5 quick button clicks after which the little blue light flashes twice. Then, after a few more seconds it flashes a bit longer once and that is it. I guess at this point the pairing unsuccessfully stops.
Zigbee2MQTT does not show any reaction so I guess the pairing is never really initiated.
It seems many people have successfully setup this device so I wonder what I am doing wrong.

Zigbee2MQTT version: 1.27.0-1
Home Assistant 2022.8.2
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.4
Frontend 20220802.0 - latest

Does anybody have an idea?



Ok,this is embarrassing but I will still share it since others might have gone down the same route.
The Aqara button has got a TINY white button at its side. I just read this in one of the 10000 posts I have gone through. I have never seen this before since it is tiny and does not even stand out a lot. I could have thought of that since it is the same kind of button the door sensors have but then I always expected that people talk about the one big button when talking about pairing.

Well…they were not and after doing it correctly the button got picked up by Zigbee2MQTT instantaneously. As expected.

So…look for the tiny button an the side and all is good.

