Hi, Is anyone else experiencing disconnections with the P1 sensor? It disconnects after about 12 hours and even hitting the button on the back will not push new data. I have to re-pair to get it to start working again. I have 13 other devices which are not disconnecting at all, and 3 out of 4 of these P1 sensors are disconnecting.
Aqara P1 human body movement and illuminance sensor
Firmware build date: Jun 9 2022
Firmware version: 0.0.0_0006
Manufacturer: Xiaomi
Model: RTCGQ14LM
No router. I’m using ZHA with a Conbee II controller.
My Zigbee network have around 60 devices, so probably I have some device acting as repeater in between.
Not sure if it is my Sonoff S31ZB plugs or the P1 sensors that are not fully working/compliant but If I bring them closer to the controller the issue seems to disappear. I had other motion sensors (third reality / original Aqara motion sensor) in the same places that didn’t have the same issue.
So the issue didn’t disappear… Seems that it’s P1 that doesn’t like connecting through the S31ZB. If I connect it directly to the coordinator it works fine. Odd because I have Third Reality sensors and Aqara E1 and MCCGQ11LM contact sensors connecting via the Sonoff without issues. Aqara, if you’re reading… fix your firmware!
how did you solve it?
I also have 2 p1s that keep disconnecting from my sonoff P
I also tried putting an ikea lamp very close, but it never connects to the ikea lamp
I’m having the same issue
I believe it is related to the SONOFF S31ZB outlets I use as range extenders. They seem to work fine for the older Aqara motion sensors and also for the door/window sensors, but not for the P1 sensor.
I added a P1 sensor near my SONOFF Dongle and it worked fine all night so far while all other P1 sensors are stuck.
So is this a SONOFF S31 issue or a P1 issue.
What other SONOFF S31 alternatives work with the P1?