Arduino Nano Rflink

Hello all,
I am moving from pimatic to HA. I realy love the the user interface. Till now I have a arduino nano, ATMega328, connected to my RPI to control some 433 mhz switches. I have seen the Rflink gateway but this does not seem to work with my nano. Is there any way to send and receive the 433mhz codes with my current hardware?


I use pilight and my RPI3 with 433mhz TX and RX (plugged in directly to the RPI3) to control my switches and lights, so you don’t really need a nano I think. I only have a couple of lights/switches that pilight can’t seem to control, for those I use a Telldus Live module attached to my network.

RFlink has the most complete range of compatibility - with the esp8266 add-on found in the forums here, you can have two way communication to almost anything RF all controlled via MQTT. It’s a little bit awesome.

RFlink is built to only support the Arduino Mega 2560 at this stage - but that project would have to admit that wifi and mqtt would be high on their list of todo’s.

I currently use this amazing project (thanks 1Technophile!) but it can’t decode signals from my doorbell and pool thermometer. I’ll be looking at RFlink soon - but 1Technophiles project may suit you.


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Hi @Ploman, The RFLink gateway firmware will only run in the Arduino MEGA 2560.

I am using a ESP8266 to make the Arduino MEGA wireless, you could also do the same with a wifi shield.

I have created a pull request to add the extra ESP8266 esp-link detail to the RFLink components page.

Pull Request:

True, but unfortunately it is not open source.


Yeah, that does make it somewhat unattractive. Would be great to have a similar library for the esp8266 family, even esp32. Just so much you could do. On an esp32 you could build a standalone web UI for display and control! Still, so much research obviously has gone into rflink - how do we rally interest in a similar opensrc version?

There is also pilight, which as similar range of features, at least for 433mhz, and can be run on an Arduino Nano or Raspberry Pi.

I use this for quite some time already, and thanks to @DavidLP there is also the direct integration into Home Assistant.
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If you are looking for simple 433Mhz control on a Nano, you can use RCSwitch, similar to what I did on a NodeMCU with the Arduino IDE:

@Richard.Huish are you still using this as I’m trying to set up the TCP Mode with esp-link but experiencing some issues.
Have a couple of issues bu the main one is:

  • the connection comes up when HASS is started and I see in the log the various msgs. Also some devices are automaticaly. However after a couple of minutes HASS does seem to lose connection and doesn’t see any new msgs. However via port 23 on the esp I see the msgs still comming in

Any clues?

What’s your hardware setup like?
NodeMCU V3

It is working as via the gui of ESP-link I see the msgs… Telnet I see them as well… but HASS only sees them in the first 4 minutes… no error of log

Interesting I didn’t know that anyone else was using a node mcu as a WiFi serial adaptor. I did email the RFlink team showing them my github page with all of the wiring and my setup and it seems like they have made their own board to interface the two but are taking a slightly different approach. I do notice that there was a Watchdog timer on their node mcu interface board that resets Arduino Mega after a certain period of inactivity I wonder if this is the root cause of your problems.

nah as the node MCU keeps working if you go to the console you see the msgs… if you open a telnet on port 23 you also see the msgs… but after a certain period the telnet session seems to freeze… opening a new telnet and you get the new msgs but only for so long…
also on th console it keeps flowing…

just tested it without the so direct connected to the node mcu and that seems to work fine so I guess it is not really compliant here and will have to make some mods…

The wording on their website seems to say that the adaptor plate for the Node MCU will restart the Arduino?

yep will probably go back to the MQTT setup as that was working OKish with a few issues that might well been caused by the same problem due to the board…

Also because now I got it working it keeps adding the devices also when I have added the sensor to my config wich looks like a RFLINK bug in HASS
Currently using RFX which I want to replace by RFLINK