I have NGINX set up to access HA from outside my network. However, I want to also access other devices remotely, so I installed Wireguard, and forwarded UDP port 51820 to the HA machine. However, it doesn’t seem to be working, so I’m wondering if NGINX is blocking UDP rather than only handling HTTP/S. Does anybody have both add-ons installed and working together?
Both working together. I‘m using both
Do you get any error message?
I have a Pi with HA running and these addons: NGINX proxy manager, and Wireguard.
The error message is that
WireGuard says “Cannot Parse Endpoint”
If I use port forwarding on 51820 UDP from my router to the Pi my WireGuard clients can connect from the outside my network. But I want to use the reverse proxy rather than leave that port forwarding open.
How do I forward the https traffic coming in to the Pi on port 443 to port 51820 UDP using Nginx proxy manager? Dedluxstyle said it is working but how does he get the traffic coming in on 443 to internally route on the Pi to and be http or https? I cannot seem to work out how to route that internally and deal with https or http at the same time. I think it is probably https coming in on Nginx and the it has to re-encrypt it and send it to the wireguard port. 2 times encrypted.
How do I connect to wireguard thru Nginx proxy manager on the same Raspberry Pi?
Update: I just put my wireguard client’s url as “wireguard.duckdns.org:443” and now it can connect, no more error. Although traffic does not go thru. I think I will just have to go back to port forwarding on 51820
WireGuard needs the port. This does not work with a proxy.
WireGuard communicates on a lower network level