Area cards not loading sometimes

Sometimes area cards are not loading, there are frigate entities tied to these areas, but something happens that it’s not just the video stream, but the other sensors not showing, no buttons. Sometimes it’s only some areas that don’t load.

Here is a partial screenshot of what I normally see

Can you see same glitch if none of area cards has cameras?


Is it an auto-generated dashboard?
Can you see same in case of a normal dashboard with manually added Area cards?

I apologize for the multiple post, I can only post one pic at a time since I’m new. This is what I would see

This is not ai generated board, and I just made a new one, one area, and it happened too.
I cannot replicate in desktop, but happens in android and ios apps

have you cleared a cache on Companion app?
(just in case since I am out of ideas)

Correction, it only happens on iOS companion app

Are you using these Area cards inside some custom stack card? Auto-entities?