Area LoveLace Card

Not sure if that integration supports setting a unique ID, but you could try to add one to your YAML config to check: unique_id: whatever

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Thanks. But it does not support unique_id:

Invalid config for [camera.ffmpeg]: [unique_id] is an invalid option for [camera.ffmpeg]. Check: camera.ffmpeg->unique_id. (See ?, line ?).

in a Lovelace Area Card, it is possible to adjust/modify color or brightness of the temperature (and now with 2022.7 also humidity) ? Cause this grey color it’s not so visible.
Maybe with card mod?
Any help appreciated. Thanks a lot.

It’d be lovely to show the status of media players within an area on this card. Power/Play/Pause/Volume would be even more lovely.

After almost a year I was hoping this should had some updates in the meanwhile… Looked very promising at the start but seems to be forgotten?

Still using HACS cards to get more out my cards:

Area card: looks great
Room card: simple but so many information possible at one glance

Still hoping this integrated card will get some more love and possibilities in the near future.

Not sure if anyone else is having an issue, but been receiving errors “unable to call service” for lights / switches.

I have a thread here but not been much reaction for the same issue elsewhere, so I’m wondering if the issue is unique to me. However, the cards haven’t been reconfigured and you can’t really go wrong with configuring them.

Is there any possibility to change the temperature sensor in the area card? Or has development of these cards stopped? It just doesn’t make sense to display a totally random value for the temperature in an area

It’s would be nice to have auto-discovery of door/window binary sensors so, like the motion sensor, a door/window icon appear when a door/window is open in a specific room.


I would also love for the aera card to be updated, it’s not so bad at the moment but the only thing I found to get correct temp was to banish the multiple sensors in a “trash” zone to get only 1 temp sensors…
It would be great if the area card had more option (for instance, while keeping the auto detect, a tickable list to allow check / uncheck the sensor from display => an aggregation/splitted setting (opening captor) and a reorder way… a bit like the “sensor” mode :slight_smile:

I think it would still keep the retro compat but add more functions.

The ability to pic a image if the camera is off or loading
The ability to add some other icons near the lights, switches and fans.
The ability to blacklist or whitelist so we have control over what it turns on or off.

Those are some of my suggestions.

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