aREST switch / sensor error: No route to device

I’m using the aREST library on a Feather M0 with variables and functions.
Works great when accessing the urls in the browser, but I get an error in hass.


  - platform: arest
    resource: http://birdhouse.local
    name: Birdhouse
          name: Night Light
          name: Reading Light

http://birdhouse.local/ returns
{"variables": {"noise": 117, "motion": 1}, "id": "birdho", "name": "birdhouse", "hardware": "arduino", "connected": true}

http://birdhouse.local/nightlight?params=1 turns the light on, and returns
{"return_value": 1, "id": "birdho", "name": "birdhouse", "hardware": "arduino", "connected": true}

Everything seems to be in order, yet when hass starts, I get an error
ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [homeassistant.components.switch.arest] No route to device at http://birdhouse.local

Does anyone have a remedy, path to finding a solution?

Thanks in advance!

At first glance I would say that it could be an issue with the resolving of birdhouse.local. Can you set resource: to the IP address of the device and give it a try?

Sadly [homeassistant.components.switch.arest] No route to device at

I have exactly the same problem with my switches (from mystrom). Any advice or idea?

I switched to using MQTT instead.

I have found the solution: the documentation about mystrom is wrong.
Instead of the full address http://192.168… should be used only the ip address.