Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

All functions that exists in PRO version are available to FREE version too. The only difference for functionality between PRO and FREE is that the FREE one will show you ads.

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Strange, I updated after you posted here, but I was only on, but the option shows now. Thanks!

I am glad to hear its working now.

I noticed theres a new platform for mobile app integration With the new HA release.

Didn’t see it mentioned here when skimming through but thought I’d point it out. :slight_smile:

Yes i know about this new feature, seems to be a great one. Ariela starting with latest version already use this API to register your device (this is the only thing is done for now, i want to play a little more with this API in order to add more features).


Thanks, will buy pro to support, the app is great! Have managed to get notifications, but can not get snapshot or camera stream. Can you help with an example?

Thank you very much for the support, i really appreciate it. Regarding camera stream you can check documentation from here: + be sure you had build in mqtt client enabled and configured.
Please let me know if works.

I want notifications from my ip camera, my yaml:

It seems that you are sending a image that can be only accessed from the local network. As long you will be on local network that will work.

In the future MQTT notifications will be available in Ariela, and such kind of notify events will be able to send local images via MQTT(and display in Ariela) even if you are connected to another networks or 4G.

I am trying on my android tablet at home, but no image.
Also noticied, that Picture-glance lovelace card don’t show cameras

Need a little help here.
Still not clear for me based on the documentation where that piece of code should be placed ie under sensor, switches etc.

should the camera piece be only used as part of an automation?

Use case: retrieve a picture and post on telegram for example

Can you share your picture glance configuration please?

Camera from Ariela will not going to send images continuously because it will drain the battery. But it will going to send a image when the MQTT topic trigger is send.

Here is an example that turns on a light when i receive a image from my phone front camera:

- id: '1552031066546'
  alias: Camera Automation
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: homeassistant/camera/android_galaxy_s8_frontcamera
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: light.office_light_rgb
    service: light.turn_on

Note that in order to receive / trigger that automation you must have a script or similar that will tell Ariela to send the front camera image. Similar with this:

  alias: Get Front Camera
  - data:
      topic: homeassistant/camera/android_galaxy_s8_frontcamera/get_frontcamera
    service: mqtt.publish

Please let me know if you have other questions.


I tried to reproduce your config and it seems that Ariela do not show the picture-glance cards at all if no entities were set to be on that card. The next version of Ariela will fix this issue.

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where does the picture file get saved so that I could attached/send it with telegram notification?

see below sample used for camera’s

    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.xxxx
        filename: 'xxx.jpg'
    - service: notify.telegram
        title: Phone
        message: Front Camera
            - file: 'xxx.jpg'
              caption: >
                Front Camera 
                {{ states.sensor.current_date_time.state }}

The camera picture is not getting saved. But you can use camera.snapshot service to create a snapshot file.

Can you add Ibeacon/bluetooth beacon support, that when phone detects beacon it sends beacon info via MQTT to HASS?

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Yes, i could create such sensor, thank you for idea.

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but the camera snapshot service needs an entity id to for that purpose?

Yes, the entity id will be the camera id you want to snapshot.