I am new to Home Assistant and would appreciate any advice to fix my Home Assistant access.
I installed duckdns addon a couple of days ago and i lost complete access to Home Assistant. I thought i followed the Juantech video but it still does not work. For the life of me, i cannot work it out.
I have lost HTTP and HTTPS (Never had HTTPS). I am running hassio on a mac mini with a Linux 18.04 OS and a docker container. I have access to linux via ssh, so i can access the necessary files.
I have checked my Home-Assistant log and it provides an error:
“2019-12-09 22:15:51 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: expected ‘’, but found ‘’
in “/config/automations.yaml”, line 3, column 1”
I still received the following error:
2019-12-09 22:15:51 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: expected '<document start>', but found '<block mapping start>'
in "/config/automations.yaml", line 3, column 1
Why is it mentioning “/config/automations.yaml”? This file is empty.
Are you sure that automations.yaml is empty? Just to make sure, delete the file. Create a new one and test again. If it doesn’t work add
To the automations.yaml file and try again.
Yes, i deleted the automations.yaml and rebooted the computer. However, i am pretty sure your advice regarding the quotes for the duckdns did the trick.
I tested the https login and it was successful I tried it in the android app and it was successful.
I just want to say thank you! Your assistance and patience has been very appreciated.