AsusWRT very unreliable: how to troubleshoot best?

Running HA 0.58.1 and Asus RT-N66U. Two Android phones, Moto G5 Plus, same carrier, model, etc. They have static IP configured via router.

AsusWRT is reading from router and seeing presence most of the time, but one device shows as away several times per day. Have set considered_home up to 180 and can try higher but that starts to affect usability.

Right now one device is showing as away for 2 hours even though it’s clearly in the house and showing up on Asus UI.

Where does AsusWRT actually get device connectivity status from and how can I troubleshoot that? Certainly right now it should know better.

I’m thinking of switching but it sounds like all trackers have their issues. Maybe using a combo, but if it goes with the most recent report, then AsusWRT will still break things when it falsely reports Away…

Appreciate any tips.

I’m guessing(to lazy to look at the code) but most WRT trackers will just use the connected devices to determine home/not_home. I ran Tomato/DD-WRT/Netgear trackers and they never really worked reliably with Owntracks. Switched over to nmap, ping and Owntracks (dropped router tracking) a few months back and have had no issues since.

I’m going to do the same. What has been your experience with those 3 and which do you recommend starting with?

I was also considering building in some automation to solve my problem. It recognizes with I get home just fine, it’s the erroneous aways that are my problem. However, I will never go away without a door sensor having triggered first. Was thinking I could set a Boolean for presence and only count the aways that are preceded by a door opening in the 3-5 minutes prior.

Maybe it’s not worth going there if nmap and others would significantly increase reliability.

a Lot of people create a ‘tracker-group’ that contains multiple trackers. If 1 is home all are home. This is probably the easiest way to do it. I have all 3 at the same time and haven’t had any weird false positives unless someone turns off location services when away from the house or a phone goes into some weird roaming mode.