Can I just check; Am I copying the ‘async def start_climate_control’ function from that post and replacing it with the existing function in the ‘’ file?
And do I also do the same for the ‘async def set_climatisation’ that ‘niilorm’ posted?
Hi all, in order to get this Audi q4 correctly reporting in my energy dashboard, I try to grab its charging power if location is home.
This template tries to achieve that:
Anyone can share yaml to add pin to any integrations. And even better the user / password / pin all through the yaml when you intitiate a vehicle execute action. I do not know the tags the i have to specify. Besides the Vin
I am nearly ready with an integration just need this last. Part. I am doing when the distance between my phone and the car is less then 1 m then it should open the car
I believe my integration is correct as it is only your vin number and the vehichle action that needs to be provided. Though in the logs i get the information that not found error. The same action from audi’s own app works fine without issues. I think might have to so something with an update of the api ? Anyways hope someone can help its a 2025 audi q2. I am as mentioned earlier working on a integration where the car unlocks when my phone is near the car and locks when i move away from the car :