Audio cancelling?

I was playing with shairport-sync on one of my rhasspy installs and I was wondering if anyone knows if it’s possible to do audio cancelling via software or hardware that would feed the audio that’s being played out the speakers back into the mic to cancel out the speaker audio. I think this is how stuff like alexa and google home can still take commands when music is playing.

Just a random thought and figured i would see if anyone knows if that’s feasible in our DIY realm or if that’s going far into commercial land lol

Its not really something that could be part of HA.
Audio cancellation, echo cancellation, beam forming and all the other stuff are something that have to be done directly on the device with the audio hardware.
Its something you have to ask on the Rhasspy forums and its likely been asked and answered a few times already, so maybe do a search first.

OMG I feel like an idiot. I was trying to post this to the rhasspy boards… im dumb…

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Just do the search there also

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