August Lock not reporting when locked

I have the august lock component installed but it seems to get stuck on the status of unlocked quite often. I can open my august app and it is reported correctly there. If I manually toggle to lock open then closed this will force it to update. Does anyone else have this issue? It seems it’s just not registering being locked again but it does it sporadically.

On 0.72.0 (Hassbian)

Edit: this is also via the August Bridge not Zwave.

I’m on and noticed this same issue, the lock would always randomly showing unlocked then switching back to locked. I ended up just building my automations I wanted with the lock anyway and it seemed to work fine, I just stopped having the state of the lock inside HA monitored and just built my automations anyway (i.e. I set it up to unlock when I open the garage door, then to lock again when my system reports I’m away from home, then inside the August app I have it set to auto-lock after 10 minutes just in case my away from home automation fails).

edit: the lock even though inside HA would report unlocked randomly always stayed locked until one of my automations ran or I unlocked the door myself