Aurora ABB PowerOne Solar PV Integration usb device changes on reboot

My HA is run in a docker container on unraid.
I have two USB’s attached for home assistant - one is for my CurrentCost Envir and one is for the Aurora ABB PowerOne Solar inverter.

The CurrentCost integration was developed to use a custom device for the USB, however the ABB integration one only lets you select from the USB’s it found in the system when you first install the integration. And these devices can change on each restart.

By custom, I mean we can make a device in the docker compose as a custom name to its actual device in by-id, i.e you get a list of devices like this -

And then in the docker you can link a custom name to the ID of the device - rather than the device name /ttyxxxxxx.

This is in the docker compose therefore - notice the /dev/currentcost at the end - which can then be referenced in home assistant for comms - and will never change -

In comparison, the Aurora ABB PowerOne integration ONLY lets you select from the USB devices it finds - and unfortunately, after a reboot, these can swap around, so then I would have to delete the ABB integration, then re-add it with the correct one. Its happened twice to me now.

In summary, I think the Aurora ABB integration at setup time should sow the list as is, but also have a freeform entry so you can enter your own device name like the above for currentcost.

Hi @vwkombi, yes this is a known issue which has been mentioned before.

It is due to the pyserial library not offering by-id links when it lists the available serial ports. This indeed means that the only ones listed in the dropdown are ones that can change in some circumstances.

I have raised a PR for this but there doesn’t seem to be much movement there.

I will look into whether a freeform option can be added in the dropdown.

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Thanks for that.
It just happened again after a reboot.
Its a pain.
Hopefully no more reboots for a while…

I’ve power one abb inverter (aurora). and I’ve home assisntat on a virtual machine in synology nas, And I have a elfin ew11 wifi module. Is possible to set a viurtal port usb connected at ip address?

I have moved to a mini PC now, its bullet proof it seems now. No babying like I had to do with docker and VM on unraid. Plus frigate is also on it and working perfectly.